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Seawolf Voices

Nov 7, 2022

“I told you so” is something Eva Ulukivaiola hears a lot from her mom. Starting in middle school, Eva’s mom enrolled her in TRIO, sacrificing valuable free time and summer vacations. But her mom hoped that Eva and her sisters would use this resource as a springboard to be the first in their family to earn college degrees.

Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, TRIO is a national program that helps students enter and complete post-secondary education. TRIO is also where Eva, now an economics and global supply chain management alumna, currently serves as Student Support Services retention coordinator, where she guides kids like she used to be on their own journeys to higher education.

In this episode, Eva talks about the mission and history of TRIO, how her education and career have brought her life full circle, and the unique challenges faced by first-generation college students.

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